The library members may renew any items borrowed from AIU Library for one (1) time provided that there is no other member has made a reservation for that item. Renewal may be done online or at the Service Counter by presenting the item/s and the ID card.
The library items should be returned before or on the date due. A fine will be imposed on the members who fail to return the item(s) on time. The book drop is available to return the item(s). Therefore, the fine will be calculated on weekends, public holidays, and days when the library is closed. (NOT AVAILABLE)
The fine charges are as follows:
Open Shelf : RM0.50/day/item
Red Spot : RM0.50/hour/item
Textbook : RM1.00/day/item
The members are not allowed to borrow any item(s) once their fine has reached the amount of RM10.00
Penalty will be applied to the loss and damage of the borrowing library items. The library members who lose or damage the library item will have the choice of replacing the items with the latest edition (if any) or paying double the current market price of the latest edition of the lost or damaged item. If there is any fine, it will be discontinued once the loss is reported to the library.
A recall is a process in which a notice will be generated and sent to the library members to which the item is currently checked out, asking for the item to be returned to the library within a stipulated time. Generally, this process will be executed if the library needs to conduct inventory checks for physical library items or other valid reason(s) that have been approved by the vice-chancellor.
The schedule for circulation activities (i.e. borrowing, returning, renewing, and reservation) at the service counter are as follows:-
Monday - Thursday9.00AM - 5.00PM
Friday9.00 AM - 12.30 PM
12.30 PM - 2.30 PM (Closed for Friday Prayer)
2.30 PM - 5.00 PM
* Weekend & Public Holiday CLOSED